Nike Malaysia

Nike官方网站从即日起推出【Father’s Day】促销折扣!Men’s Footwear男性鞋款都可享有额外30%折扣!想买礼物的注意啦!
- 优惠日期:18-21 June 2020
- 促销平台:Nike官方网站

- Step 1:浏览点击这里)
- Step 2:点击喜欢的Nike鞋款&Checkout
- Step 3:填写个人资料(Shipping&Billing资料)
- Step 4:输入Promo Code【DAD30】
就连Nike Air Jordan鞋款都有折扣!
【Promo Code:DAD30】
只要消费满RM400,即可享有Free Delivery服务。(更多详情)
- Free for orders of RM 400 or more
- RM 30
- Delivery within 4–10 business days
- RM 75
- Delivery within 4–7 business days
【Terms & Conditions】
- Valid till 21/06/20 (23:59) local time or while code redemption lasts.
- Code is only valid for Men’s Footwear.
- Code isn’t valid for Nike By You, SNKRS and select styles listed below.
- Only one code can be applied per order.
- Code is not valid for existing or previously placed orders.
- Total discount is limited to RM 2,100 off your order.
- Taxes and duties are recalculated after code is applied to your order.
- Code cannot be used in combination with other offers.
- Free delivery is calculated after code is applied to your order.
- All purchases are subject to our return policy.
- NIKE Inc. reserves the right to cancel your order if the code is misused.
- NIKE Inc. reserves the right to modify or cancel this offer at any time without notice.