【优惠促销】Family Mart 12月份最新优惠!Sofuto雪糕只需RM0.99!吃货们注意啦!

吃货们注意啦!Sofuto 只需RM0.99!
Family Mart 12月份最新优惠!Sofuto Cone雪糕只需RM0.99!超划算!

TNG eWallet再次携手Family Mart Malaysia推出最新优惠,凡是在12月1号至31号期间,使用TNG eWallet 购买Family Mart Sofuto 雪糕只需RM0.99!超级便宜!有好康可以领取!千万别错过啦!

注意!这项优惠适用于Belgian Dark Chocolate Sofuto,Matcha Sofuto 和 Basque Burnt Cheesecake Sofuto。使用TNG eWallet付款才能享有优惠价。
【Family Mart Sofuto Cone RM0.99】
促销日期: 1 ~ 31 December 2020
促销地点:所有Family Mart分行(除了KLIA2,Genting Highland分行)

FamilyMart’s popular soft-serve is only 99sen. Don’t miss out!
All Touch ‘n Go eWallet users are entitled to purchase one (1) promotional item when making payment using the Touch ‘n Go eWallet “Pay” function.
The selection of the promotional items are as follows:
One (1) cone of:
• Belgian Dark Chocolate Sofuto; or
• Matcha Sofuto; or
• Basque Burnt Cheesecake Sofuto
Limited to one (1) promotional item per transaction/bill. No split transaction/bill is allowed.
This promotion is applicable to all FamilyMart outlets except KLIA2 and Genting Highland outlets. Subject to flavours and/or stocks availability at each outlet.