Food & BeverageStarbucks

Starbucks Malaysia 今天(9月25号)推出特别促销活动!凡是购买星巴克饮料可享有额外RM5的折扣!

注意!记得携带自己的Starbucks Tumbler购买饮料,使用Starbucks Mobile App付款才能享有额外RM5的折扣!
Starbucks RM5 OFF
- 优惠日期:25 September 2020
- 促销时段:5PM-8PM
- 促销地点:全马Starbucks分行(除了Sunway Lagoon分行之外)
- 促销条件:使用自己的Starbucks Tumbler &使用Starbucks Mobile App付款

【Terms & Conditions】
Bring your own Starbucks Tumbler + pay with Starbucks Mobile App, get RM5 OFF handcrafted beverage
- Date: 25th September 2020
- Time: 5pm – 8pm
1) Valid only when FULL payment is made with Starbucks Mobile App.
2) The RM5 OFF will be applied to the beverage purchased with your own Starbucks tumbler.
3) Not valid with any other discount or promotion.
4) Not applicable for delivery service.
5) Valid at all Starbucks stores in Malaysia except Sunway Lagoon.