Food & BeverageStarbucks

Starbucks Malaysia今天(10月22号)举办【闪电促销】,凡是购买2杯Grande-sized Handcrafted beverages*饮料只需RM26,平均一杯只需RM13,超级值得!

注意!优惠只限指定饮料,使用Starbucks Mobile APP付款才能享有优惠价哦~
2杯RM26的优惠分成2个阶段,分别是早上11AM-2PM 和 下午5PM-8PM ,这2个时段购都能享有优惠价!
促销地点:全马分行(除了Sunway Lagoon分行)

【Terms & Conditions】
- Date: 22nd October 2020
- Time: 11am – 2pm, 5pm – 8pm
- *Beverages selection: applicable to all beverages
1) Full payment must made with Starbucks Mobile App.
2) RM2 is chargeable for each upsize.
3) Price is inclusive of 6% Service Tax.
4) Not valid with other discounts or promotions.
5) Not eligible for Starbucks Card rewards.
6) Any modifier/add-on will be charged accordingly.
7) Applicable at all Starbucks stores except Starbucks stores at Sunway Lagoon.