Food & BeverageStarbucks
【优惠促销】Starbucks最新优惠!Peach Jelly饮料2杯只需RM21.20!平均一杯只需RM10.60!

Starbucks Peach Jelly饮料平均一杯只需RM10.60!
Starbucks最新优惠,推出了【Peach Jelly饮料促销】,凡是购买2杯可享有RM21.20(2杯)的优惠价!平均一杯只需RM10.60!如果只想购买一杯,也可享有一杯RM12.70的优惠价!有折扣拿,还蛮不错下~

Starbucks 7月优惠
- 优惠日期:now ~ 12 July 2020
- 促销地点:全马Starbucks分行
- Chocolate Peach Jelly Frappuccino
- Peach Cloud Frappuccino with Jelly
- Peach Cloud with Jelly
【Terms & Conditions】
Buy any 2 Peach Jelly beverages at RM21.20 / 1 for RM12.70 (inclusive of Service Tax)
- Date: Until 12th July 2020
- Beverage Selection: Chocolate Peach Jelly Frappuccino/ Peach Cloud Frappuccino with Jelly / Peach Cloud with Jelly
1. Not valid with any other discounts or promotions.
2. Not eligible for Starbucks Card rewards.
3. Not applicable for delivery service.
4. Applicable at all Starbucks stores in Malaysia.